scroll to see Headquarters' improvements in-progress
Volunteer FCRC members scraping paint
Entry area with a fresh coat of paint
scroll to see Headquarters' improvements in-progress
CALL 717-263-7999
P.O. Box 279
Chambersburg, PA 17201
VISIT 1931 Philadelphia AV, Chambersburg
Friday, Saturday, Sunday Closed
Hours subject to change without notice. Headquarters is staffed by volunteers.
Call 717-263-7999 to verify or to schedule an appointment.
Trump Signs Temporarily
Out of Stock 9/11/24
Want to get involved?
Here is your chance.
Help Donald Trump win Pennsylvania!
This chart, shared by a Franklin County Committeeperson, shows the importance of Pennsylvania in this election. We are less than 90 days away from the most important election of our lifetime. The future depends on who Americans choose. If we choose Trump, we have a bright future and a chance to return to a healthier society. If we choose Harris, freedom as we know it will be gone and the hardship will be shocking to Americans who underestimate the damage her administration will bring. If we sit at home and don't vote, election results will fall prey to the cheating that will definitely happen and is being planned as we breathe. The result will be a Harris win. Look at this chart! It's up to us! We are the grassroots! We are the difference! What can you do? Trump Force Teams are an important resource. Visit your neighbors who don't always vote. Share with them that this is not the year to sit at home. Contact our committee. Click the link to become a Trump Force Captain. You can make a difference!